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Community Service

Community Service Learning

At AISN we embrace the benefits of learning through service and require that students be involved in a minimum of 10 hours of service learning per year, spread evenly throughout. Service learning is vital to our school’s mission and encourages students to make connections beyond AISN, take safe and healthy risks, work collaboratively for and with others, develop new skills, and grow as global citizens. There are plenty of opportunities to complete the service learning requirements; assisting with after-school activities, peer tutoring, environmental clean-up, volunteering at school events, on the yearbook staff,  at a local orphanage or health clinic, just to name a few.

Service Learning will allow our students to…
  • Make connections beyond AISN
  • Take safe and healthy risks
  • Work collaboratively with and for others
  • Learn new information & develop new skills
  • Grow & develop as global citizens.


Some Community Service projects include:
  • Assisting in After-school Activities
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Environment clean-up
  • Volunteering at a local orphanage or health clinic
  • Yearbook
  • Volunteering at Community and School-Wide Events